Best Cuban Coffee Brands

Cuban coffee, renowned for its rich, full-bodied flavor and deep cultural roots, has captivated coffee enthusiasts worldwide. This article dives into Cuban coffee, guiding you through the top brands that embody the essence of Cuba’s coffee culture.

The Essence of Cuban Coffee

Cuban coffee, known for its robust and aromatic qualities, is more than just a beverage; it’s a cultural icon. Its unique taste is shaped by traditional roasting and brewing methods, offering a glimpse into the heart of Cuban heritage.

Best Cuban Coffee Brands

Here are some of the finest Cuban coffee brands that stand out for their quality and flavor.

Brand Pros Cons Notes Price
Café La Llave Espresso Economical, intense aroma, full body, robust profile Smoky aftertaste Sweet, chocolatey aroma, signature dark roast Check Price
Pilon Cuban Coffee/Espresso Blend Robust profile, withstands cream and sugar, creamy consistency Pricey, bitter aftertaste, available only in 16 oz. package Strong kick, dark roasted Check Price
Naviera Cuban Style Coffee Affordable, clean taste, earthy notes, robust profile Slightly pricey Chicory flavor, used in restaurants across South Florida Check Price
Mayorga Café Cubano Freshly ground upon order, wide selection of grind options, low acidity, no bitter aftertaste Slightly pricier Earthy, berry flavor, bright clean finish, notes of vanilla and sweet, syrupy smokiness Check Price
Pilon Espresso 100% Arabica Rich taste, wonderful aroma, affordable, holds up to cream and sugar A bit pricey, a little weak compared to other Cuban styles, muted flavor, lacks aroma Medium roast, lighter body, taste, and mouthfeel, suitable for beginners Check Price
Volcanica Cafe Cubano Miami espresso blend Higher priced Robust, dark roast, strong Check Price

History of Cuban Coffee

Cuban coffee’s history is deeply intertwined with the island’s cultural and political narrative. It began in the mid-18th century with the introduction of Arabica beans and saw a significant rise in production due to the expertise of French farmers fleeing the Haitian Revolution. The industry peaked in the 1950s, exporting over 20,000 tonnes annually. However, the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro brought challenges, including nationalization and trade embargoes, causing a steep decline in production. The post-Soviet era marked the lowest point for Cuban coffee production, significantly impacting the industry. Despite these setbacks, Cuban coffee remains a key part of the island’s culture, symbolizing the resilience and spirit of the Cuban people. Today, it’s celebrated for its strong, bold flavors, although access to authentic Cuban coffee can be limited due to the island’s economic constraints.

Best Cuban Coffee

Café La Llave Espresso stands out for its economical pricing and intense, robust profile, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate a strong, chocolatey aroma. Pilon Cuban Coffee/Espresso Blend and Naviera Cuban Style Coffee are notable for their robust profiles and affordability, with the former being ideal for those who enjoy a creamy consistency and the latter offering a distinctive chicory flavor.

For coffee aficionados who prefer a smooth, earthy taste with a hint of berry, Mayorga Café Cubano is a perfect choice. Its slow-roasted, dark beans deliver a sweet, syrupy smokiness that’s both unique and satisfying. Pilon Espresso 100% Arabica offers a milder option with its medium roast, catering to those new to Cuban coffee or preferring a lighter taste.