Coffee to Water Ratio

Finding the right coffee to water ratio is essentially about tailoring your coffee to suit your taste. It’s a practical step to ensure every cup is enjoyable, and getting the ratio down pat will help will consistent cups. A correct ratio helps you get the full flavor without over-extracting the coffee, which if not done right, can lead to sour coffee or bitterness. Plus, it’s economical as you’re always using the correct amount of coffee, reducing waste. Don’t get us wrong, each brewing method may require different ratios, but finding the right one for your method is well worth the exploration. In short, the right ratio is key to a great cup of coffee that’s just how you like it.

The Golden Ratio: A Guideline, Not a Rule

The golden ratio typically suggested is 1:18 – one gram of coffee to every 18 grams of water. It’s an excellent starting point for beginners, providing a balanced brew. However, coffee is a personal experience, and it might take some experimentation to find the best ratio for your preference. For instance, drip and pour-over methods favor a 1:15 to 1:17 ratio, while French press and cold brew enthusiasts lean towards a 1:10 to 1:12 ratio.

We put together a small table to help guide your coffee ratio adventure.

# Coffee Type Coffee to Water Ratio Grind Size Best Coffee Roast Level
1 French Press 1:10 to 1:12 Coarse Medium to Dark
2 Drip Coffee 1:15 to 1:17 Medium to Medium-Coarse Medium
3 Pour Over 1:15 to 1:17 Medium to Medium-Fine Medium to Light
4 Cold Brew 1:8 to 1:12 Coarse Dark
5 Espresso 1:2 (by volume) Fine Dark
6 AeroPress 1:15 to 1:18 Fine to Medium Medium
7 Chemex 1:15 to 1:17 Medium-Coarse Light to Medium
8 Moka Pot 1:7 to 1:10 Fine Dark
9 Siphon 1:14 to 1:16 Medium to Fine Medium to Dark

The Importance of Precision

Why obsess over this ratio? The answer is simple: taste and quality. Factors such as the coffee beans, roast level, and grind size, and the brewing method all play a role in determining the correct ratio.

Measuring to Perfection

Achieving the perfect balance starts with accurate measurement. Tools like a digital scale (with .01 gram accuracy) are needed for precise measurement. While coffee scoops and measuring spoons are okay, a scale’s exactness can’t be beat especially when going for a very specific coffee to water ratio.


Always get a coffee scale that can read to a .01 grams for better accuracy



Beyond the Ratio: Water Quality and Temperature

The journey to the perfect cup continues after the ratio. The quality of water and precise, consistent temperature during the extraction process play a big role. That’s why espresso machines have such a wide range in their pricing; their heating elements can become quite expensive, necessary for consistent temperature and pressure for the perfect shot. 

The water is also a big factor. If you live in an area with hard water, it will affect the taste, and will clog the machine. That’s why we recommend using filtered water, that’s been heated to between 195°F and 205°F during the brew process. Boiling the water outright can scorch the grounds, making the coffee taste less than ideal.


The final message is one of exploration. Coffee brewing is a personal journey; the perfect cup is a moving target. Experiment with different ratios, brewing methods, and coffee types. Observe how small adjustments can lead to significant changes in flavor and aroma. The coffee-to-water ratio is a guide, not a gospel. It’s a starting point in your journey to the perfect cup. As you experiment, remember every cup is a new adventure and an opportunity to refine your craft and savor the results.