Best Low Acid Coffee Brands

Did you know that the type of coffee bean, its roast, and even the way it’s brewed can significantly impact not just the flavor of your morning cup but also how your stomach feels throughout the day? Welcome to the world of low-acid coffee – a realm where coffee lovers and sensitive stomachs meet. This isn’t just about a milder flavor but a smoother experience for your digestive system. In this post, we will embark on an enlightening journey into the depths of low-acid coffee. We’ll explore what makes a coffee ‘low acid,’ how it benefits those with sensitive stomachs, and unveil some of the best low acid coffee brands that promise a rich taste without discomfort. Get ready to transform your coffee routine into a more stomach-friendly ritual!

One of our favorite low acid picks is the certified organic mellow belly

Selection of Low-Acid Coffee Beans

The process begins with the selection of beans. Beans from regions like Brazil or Sumatra are naturally lower in acidity, and Arabica beans are typically less acidic than Robusta. This choice directly affects the coffee’s baseline acidity and flavor profile, making it inherently more stomach-friendly. The type of bean used is a crucial factor in determining the overall acidity and flavor of the final product.

Roasting Process

Darker roasts reduce acidity due to the breakdown of acidic compounds during the extended roasting process. The consumption impact is significant, offering a richer, deeper flavor with reduced acidity. This can be easier on the stomach and is often preferred by those with acid sensitivity. However, it’s worth noting that some of the bright, fruity notes present in lighter roasts might be lost in this process.

Cold Brew Method

The cold brew method involves steeping coffee grounds in cold water for 12 to 24 hours. This method produces coffee with significantly lower acidity and bitterness, resulting in a smooth, mellow cup (with lots of caffeine). The reduced acidity makes cold brew coffee a favorite among those with stomach sensitivities, offering a gentler option without compromising on taste, especially when diluted.

Brewing Techniques

Adjustments in brewing techniques, such as in French Press or Drip Brewing, can yield a lower acid brew. By modifying brewing times and temperatures, the extraction of acidic compounds can be minimized.

Water Quality

Using slightly alkaline water for brewing can help neutralize some of the coffee’s acidity. The impact on consumption is subtle but effective, as it can alter the flavor profile slightly while reducing the acidic impact on the stomach.

Additives to Neutralize Acidity

Adding a tiny amount of baking soda to coffee grounds or incorporating milk or cream can balance out the acidity. These methods make the coffee more palatable for those with acid sensitivity, but they might also alter the coffee’s natural flavor. The choice of additive depends on personal preference and the desired outcome in terms of taste and acidity.

Acid-Reducing Filters or Treatments

Special coffee filters designed to reduce acidity during the brewing process can be an effective way to enjoy less acidic coffee without significantly altering the flavor. These filters are a convenient solution for those looking to reduce acidity while maintaining the coffee’s natural taste.


Decaffeinated coffee often has a lower acidity level compared to regular coffee. This is beneficial for individuals sensitive to both caffeine and acid. While decaffeination can change the flavor profile of the coffee, it provides an alternative for those who want to enjoy coffee with minimal acidity and caffeine content.

Best Low-Acid Coffee Brands

Lucy Jo’s Coffee offers a variety of low acid coffee options, including the Organic Mellow Belly Dark Low Acid Blend. This particular blend is available in ground form, ensuring convenience for various brewing methods. Known for its gentle nature on the stomach, this organic blend is a popular choice for those seeking a low acid coffee solution. Lucy Jo’s Coffee prides itself on providing quality options that are both flavorful and stomach-friendly, catering to a wide range of coffee enthusiasts who prefer a low acid option.

Java Planet Organic Coffee Roasters excel in offering a variety of low-acid, full-flavored coffee options. Their Guatemala Organic Medium Roast is a standout, and epitomizes their commitment to quality, being made from the top 2% of coffee grown. It is USDA organic certified, specialty grade arabica, and naturally low in acid, ensuring a great-tasting and health-friendly experience. Java Planet’s focus on sustainability is also evident, as they source Smithsonian Bird Friendly certified coffees wherever possible, reflecting their dedication to both health and environmental stewardship.

Alex’s Low-Acid Organic Coffee offers a delectable French Roast blend that caters to a variety of preferences. This coffee is available in multiple forms, including fresh ground and whole bean options, as well as convenient K-Cups. This French Roast blend is characterized by its dark roast profile, providing a deep, rich flavor that appeals to those who appreciate a robust cup of coffee with the added benefit of low acidity. This makes it a great choice for coffee lovers looking for a smooth, full-flavored experience without the high acidity often found in traditional roasts.