The Best Cheap Espresso Machines For the Money

Finding the right cheap espresso machine that balances quality with affordability can be challenging online shopping because there are many tempting options. But when it comes down to it, the best budget espresso machines must do one thing very well: pull a shot of espresso. You technically don’t even need a milk frother, or anything like the super-automatic machines that do it all for you because you can do it all on your own for a sliver of the money. Sure, it might take a few extra steps, but you might find that it is quite therapeutic and grounding to go through the process. This article explores budget-friendly espresso machines, emphasizing the significance of pressure in extraction and the features that matter most for home baristas. A few accessories will also be included to help make the process easier.

Best Cheap Espresso Machines

Click here for my favorite inexpensive espresso machine

De’Longhi Dedica Arte Espresso

Here is our favorite cheap espresso machine, the De’Longhi Dedica Arte, which makes a killer cup of espresso. It operates at 15 bars and is usually priced in the $300 range, which is not bad for an espresso machine that performs well. It balances the high pressure with other features, like a pre-infusion, but it also takes experimentation to get the perfect cup.

  • Sleek and compact design, ideal for smaller kitchen spaces.
  • Includes a pre-infusion feature, which helps evenly soak the coffee grounds before applying full pressure. This leads to a more uniform extraction, enhancing the flavor and aroma of the espresso.
  • It produces better milk texture compared to other budget machines.
  • Versatile, accommodating both coffee pods and freshly ground coffee.
  • Positioned as a cheap espresso machine option, it balances cost and features, making it accessible for home baristas who are starting or are mindful of their budget.
  • The machine is designed with ease of use in mind, making it suitable for beginners.

Breville Bambino Plus

The Breville Bambino Espresso Machine is a compact, user-friendly machine. It is great because it allows you to select the amount of coffee and steam with a one-touch control for simple brewing. The machine automatically adjusts pressure and temperature to optimize extraction and frothing.

The Bambino uses 18g of freshly ground beans per shot, more than typical machines, resulting in a fuller, richer coffee with a thick crema. It does this with the included 54mm portafilter. The Bambino’s ThermoJet heating system has PID temperature control, which is extremely precise and consistent — exactly what’s needed when pulling a shot of espresso. It also heats up to the ideal extraction temperature in just 3 seconds, and its low-pressure pre-infusion mode ensures a smooth and even extraction by gently blooming the coffee before it runs.

  • Espresso Puck: 18-22g Espresso puck.
  • Idea Temp: 200F extraction temperature.
  • 9-Bar Pressure System: Aligns with the industry standard for optimal espresso extraction.
  • Automatic Milk Texturing: Offers an advanced feature for achieving the right milk texture for various coffee drinks with microfoam.
  • Fast Heat-Up Time: 3-second heat up for quick brewing without waiting.
  • Compact and Modern Design: Suitable for modern kitchens and limited spaces.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Simplified controls for ease of use, especially for beginners.

Best Economy Espresso Machine

Gevi Espresso Machine

The Gevi Espresso Machine is a budget-friendly, efficient option for those seeking café-quality coffee at home. Its design is very simple, and features a pressure range of 15 to 20 bars and a steam wand, ensuring robust extraction and the ability to create frothy milk-based drinks. Its fast-heating thermoblock system allows for quick temperature regulation, enhancing the convenience of use. The machine also has a removable water tank for easy refills and cleaning.

  • Professional Frothing Wand: Creates silky and smooth milk foam for cappuccino and latte, with 360-degree rotation for added convenience.
  • Double Temperature Control: Adjusts water and milk foam temperatures to achieve the ideal state for different coffee drinks.
  • Highly Clear Control: Features a temperature dial for easy observation of temperature changes, facilitating operation for beginner coffee enthusiasts.
  • Easy to Clean: Includes a removable drip tray, stainless steel nipple, and removable froth nozzle for effortless cleaning and maintenance.

Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe Coffee and Espresso Machine

The Nespresso VertuoPlus is a user-friendly and innovative espresso machine renowned for its versatility and convenience with its Nespresso pod system. That means you don’t need to measure, weigh, or grind the coffee beforehand. Each pod comes vacuum sealed, ready to drop in. And since it can brew five different cup sizes, ranging from a small espresso shot to a large travel mug size — it’s great! It features a rotating water tank, which makes it a flexible fit for different counter layouts, and a movable cup support to accommodate various cup sizes. It also simplifies the brewing process with an automatic capsule ejection and storage system so that you can empty the bin of old pods at your convenience. They even take the pods back at the Nespresso store if you want to recycle them.

  • Single-Serve Coffee & Espresso Machine: Espresso at the touch of a button. Includes innovative features like 25-second heat-up and energy-saving automatic shut-off.
  • Coffee for Every Occasion: Capable of brewing 4 different cup sizes, including 5oz and 8oz coffee and single and double espresso. It also allows for pour-over ice to create a range of iced coffee and lattes.
  • Aeroccino Milk Frother Included: Provides smooth hot or cold milk froth for various coffee recipes. Operates quickly and quietly, frothing all types of milk in seconds.

De’Longhi ECP3420 Bar Pump Espresso Machine

The De’Longhi espresso machine is ideal for coffee enthusiasts on a budget. It features a 15-bar professional pressure system, ensuring each cup meets high-quality standards and allows personal taste adjustments. The machine’s advanced cappuccino system has a manual frother that expertly mixes steam and milk, creating a rich and creamy froth for perfectly textured drinks. Additionally, it includes a versatile three-in-one filter holder, which accommodates different serving sizes and preferences, including options for a single espresso shot, a double shot, or an easy-serve espresso pod.

  • Professional Pressure: Features 15-bar professional pressure, ensuring quality results with every use.
  • Brew Variety: Can brew single or double espresso, cappuccino, or latte, delivering authentic barista-quality beverages.
  • Advanced Cappuccino System: A manual frother blends steam and milk.
  • Three-in-One Filter Holder: Comes with a versatile filter holder for one espresso shot, two shots, and an easy-serve espresso pod.

A Note on Pump Pressure

Espresso machines have a rich history, tracing back to the 19th century. Initially powered by steam, these machines underwent a revolutionary change with the advent of electricity. However, it was Achille Gaggia who truly transformed espresso brewing. In the mid-20th century, Gaggia invented the lever machine, capable of generating 9 bars of pressure. This development set a new standard for espresso extraction, which remains the benchmark today.

Many budget machines claim higher pressures, like 15 bars, often leading to uneven extraction and inferior taste. The key is to find machines that either meet the 9-bar standard or effectively balance higher pressures with other quality-enhancing features.

What is a PID Controller?

A PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller in an espresso machine is a sophisticated electronic device that precisely regulates the water temperature used for brewing espresso. The accuracy and stability of water temperature are crucial in espresso making, as even slight fluctuations can significantly alter the flavor and quality of the espresso shot. The Breville Bambino has a PID system out of the machines in this article and other machines like the more expensive Breville Express Impress or the Barista Touch Impress.

The Breville Express Impress utilizes a PID controller for consistent heating and overall brewing.


Pressurized Baskets vs Standard Baskets

Pressurized baskets, commonly found in budget machines, are designed to simulate a crema – the creamy, caramel-colored foam on top of an espresso. However, this is more an illusion than reality. The tiny hole in these baskets forces coffee through, creating a faux crema without the depth of flavor of a well-extracted espresso. Here’s a better breakdown…

  • Pressurized Baskets: These baskets feature a dual-wall design, where the second wall has a small hole. This structure creates additional pressure inside the basket during brewing. They can even generate crema using pre-ground coffee, ideal for less precise grinds. These baskets are typically found in entry-level home espresso machines and are known for their forgiving nature, making them a good choice for beginners.
  • Non-Pressurized Baskets: In contrast, non-pressurized baskets have a single wall with a mesh base. This design allows the coffee grounds to create the necessary resistance and pressure for brewing. These baskets demand greater precision in grinding and tamping but are capable of producing fuller-bodied and more flavorful espresso. Favored by coffee professionals and enthusiasts, they are the standard in commercial espresso machines and appeal to those seeking a more authentic espresso experience.

Wrapping up the Best Cheap Espresso Machines

Complementing these features with freshly roasted and ground coffee beans and a capable grinder elevates the espresso experience. While higher-priced machines have more bells and whistles, some budget-friendly options can provide an excellent espresso experience with a few tweaks.

In conclusion, while 15 bars of pressure might sound impressive, it’s not a hallmark of a superior espresso machine. Understanding pressure and other features is key to choosing the right machine. You can enjoy cafe-quality espresso at home by focusing on models that adhere to the 9-bar standard and complementing them with quality coffee and proper technique.