How To Use a French Press

Coffee enthusiasts worldwide cherish the French press for its ability to brew a rich, full-bodied cup of coffee. Ideal for those who enjoy the ritual of coffee making, a French press offers a simple yet sophisticated method of brewing. Let’s make the perfect French press coffee.

How To Make French Press Coffee

What You Need:

Before you begin, ensure you have the following items:

  • A French press (we recommend the Bodum French Press)
  • Medium-coarse, dark-roast coffee grounds
  • Hot water (not boiling, ideally around 200°F)
  • A cup for serving

Step-by-Step Brewing Guide:

  1. Measuring the Coffee: Place your French press on a flat surface. Grasp the handle firmly and pull out the plunger. Add a heaping tablespoon (7-8 grams) of medium-coarse coffee grounds to the pot for every 6.7 ounces (200 ml) of water. This ratio is adjustable depending on your taste preference.
  2. Adding Hot Water: Next, pour hot water into your French press. Remember, the water should be hot but not boiling. Gently stir the coffee and water.
  3. Steeping Process: Carefully reinsert the plunger into the pot, stopping just above the water and coffee grounds. Let it steep for 3-4 minutes. This duration allows the coffee to infuse into the water, creating a robust flavor.
  4. Pressing Down the Plunger: Slowly and steadily press the plunger down after steeping. This action separates the coffee grounds from the liquid, leaving you with a clear, flavorful brew.
  5. Serving: Immediately pour the coffee into your cup to prevent over-brewing. Enjoy the rich and earthy flavors of your freshly brewed French press coffee.

Additional Tips for Perfection:

  • The general ratio for French press coffee is 1 part coffee to 12 parts water. Adjust this ratio to suit your taste.
  • A medium grind is ideal for French press coffee. It ensures even extraction and prevents coffee grounds from slipping through the filter. If you need a coffee grinder, take a look at our small coffee grinder rundown.
  • Medium to dark-roast coffee beans are recommended for the best flavor, especially if you like adding milk or sugar.

Maintenance and Cleaning:

Always clean your French press thoroughly after each use. This helps maintain its longevity and ensures that your coffee always tastes fresh.


The French press is an enjoyable and rewarding way to make coffee. It allows you to control every aspect of the brewing process, from the grind of the coffee to the steeping time, tailoring each cup to your preference. Give it a try and experiment with different roasts and coffee to water ratios to discover your perfect brew.